Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Rockin' on th cloud

Improvised from the initial idea of the character just rockin. Made him rockin' on a flying cloud instead. Enjoy.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Rockin' - rough

"Just waiting for the little busters...ooohh yeeeaahh!!! yeah, yeah yeah!" - the pillows

Just cleaning it up abit then add the inbetweens. Keeping it simple.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quick paint 貝 - かい

From imagination. Inspired from the Japanese word of the day: 貝. Got to study and practice more on how to paint light on surfaces.

Quicksketch session - 読む

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A character tossing and catching a rubber ball.
Rough stage now. Clean this up soon.
Comments and advice are welcome. Please and thank you for dropping by. Enjoy.

ps. that image that flash is just my rough of the whole scene. I know its annoying, for a quick sec.