Friday, February 27, 2009

Animation: Week8 "Blocking"

We're doing a character animation this week. So excited, pretty much we have to animate this Robot Arm picking a can & lay it onto the box. I did a storysketch, planning the key poses to tell the story. Once I worked on Maya, blocking all the key poses, I notice the action is alot faster that I thought. I might have to simplify this one.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Process: Week6 "Lighting & Rendering"

Default render setting of Maya looks great. I can pretty much see what I can make projects out of it once I get a hang of Maya. So I kept the palette simple. Dynamic, simple shapes, simple character, simple FX, simple shading, & 3 point lighting.
is for Arcs. I made it so it looks more natural, more fluid. I can with the straight but this is a static image. I wanted to create movement on the static images. Actually, if you notice those "burst" photographs of the skatboarder, snowboarders, etc. They arc!

X X X X, Black Out! negative space. I layout the buildings so the action for the character is clear.

Can't leave with out a trail. I added those little rocks to create motion. A trail from the big bulder where he jumps off.

The scene if very simple, my friend reminds him of "Reboot". Reboot's the best!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Color Script: Week 6 "Shading"

Here's a color script for the "Smash" scene. I've been getting "Akira" references on my assignment. I'm a big fan of Katsuhiro Ōtomo-sans work. I search Akira in google & found references. Simple palette, just red & white. So I thought of using red for the character cuz it stands out. I'm not buying the BG color, I feel something is missing still. But I just have to keep it simple! I'm open for ideas before I hand this in tomorrow. Peace.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Process: Week5 Assignment - Smash! Part 2!!

I always start with some rough sketches or thumbnail sketches. That way I can easily fix or make poses or composition better. Once I get the rough visuals done, I use my thumbnails to get even better render of the image. So I go 3D. Its the same process I did from the last assignment. I wanted to create more life to the scene, we had to use 3 cameras for the assignment & place them around the subject with sets. Since its not animated, I took advantage of the idea & created this "burst" effect that skateboarders or snowboarders use in photography. It pretty much turned out the way I wanted it to be. There's no excuse to this, I procrasinated this week, I could have made this scene better. AAaaarrrgh!! Im kickin my self, so lesson learned. I got a great tip from my classmate Christine. Check it out HERE.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Process: Week5 Assignment - Smash!

After seeing an animation link from Sean Macneils blog (thanks man for sharing!), I was inspired in creating a scene just like from Sigg Jones short by Asterokid. I wanted to get the idea out of my head so I did these rough sketches while working at my job & trips between going back home. The main character is like a robot at first but I wanted to give it more character & it ended up looking like a 'fish man/kid' character. Bad guy is this insect like behemoth. After that, I started modeling. It didnt turned out the way I pictured the character but ended up fun to model this new character for our 'Week5' assignment. I was going for 'VS' type of scene but since of short time, I decided to model one character. Also 'K.I.S.S.', which really helped in finishing the assignment & it turned out great. Like for the set, I used cubes for the boulders & debri flying around the character, just moved the vertices to create that rock/block look. Piled them up together & creates the illusion of smashed concrete. I got the idea modeling the hair from the 'AM' lecture videos 'Taylor' was demonstrating. Pretty much It was rough modeling, like rough sketching, which I enjoy doing. I'm not a good modeller, so I was kinda disappointed on the expression on the character, I wanna get it the way I was pictured the face. But it was a creative masturbation that I'm satisfied how it turned out. From the suggestions & comments I've recieve after handing it in, I'm totally taking it into consideration to make the scene better. Ja!

AWSOMENESS to Asterokid!!!

Sigg Jones from Asterokid on Vimeo.